2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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Business Initiatives

Transform Your Security Operations

Maximize your SOC efficiency and take threat response from reactive to proactive


From Battling Ransomware to Outsmarting Evolving Threats.

Shifts toward remote work accelerated demand for cloud-based architectures. Can your security team keep up with risk?

Most SecOps teams wield an armada of tools for detecting, investigating, and responding to attacks—but the rapid evolution of threats, fierce competition for cybersecurity talent, and a deluge of false alerts mean that too many organizations still find themselves at a major disadvantage. Enter alert fatigue, low job satisfaction in cybersecurity roles, and an increasing number of battles lost to rapidly evolving ransomware.

Many well-thought-out frameworks help SOCs move past these challenges, such as the Zero Trust model, MITRE ATT&CK adversary tactics and techniques, NIST standards, and CIS controls. These depend on one foundational requirement: accurate, timely answers about what's going on in your environment. ExtraHop RevealX delivers those answers with a powerful combination of rule- and behavior-based analytics, with guided investigations that empower tier 1 analysts to perform at the level of tier 3 experts.


Network Detection and Response: The Foundation Of The Modern SOC

Modernize Your Security Operations

ExtraHop RevealX auto-discovers and classifies every device on the network, then analyzes every transaction. Even PFS-encrypted traffic is no match for the 70+ enterprise protocols RevealX can decode. In a single user interface, you'll gain more visibility and higher fidelity insight than any combination of point solutions—and RevealX also fully integrates with SIEM platforms to enrich the insight you already get from logs.

Through robust integrations with orchestration tools, such as Splunk and Cortex XSOAR by Palo Alto Networks, RevealX makes it possible to automate beyond the detection and investigation processes: you can also trigger threat response workflows with advanced behavioral analytics that automatically prioritize your most critical assets, keeping your SOC focused and efficient.

Reduce Your SOC Fatigue with Smart Investigation

SOC analysts face a daunting task of investigating hundreds of potential security alerts every day, leading to a diminished ability to identify critical issues. Smart Investigations in RevealX helps analysts prioritize high-risk alerts and automate investigation workflows to accelerate response.



See everything. Risk nothing.

Secure and optimize critical assets in hybrid and multicloud environments with RevealX network intelligence.

A very powerful and great solution for threat detection and network monitoring.

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