2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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Paul Ditty

Former Employee - Marketing Content Writer

About Paul

Paul is a Content Marketing Writer II at ExtraHop. He specializes in writing blogs, customer case studies, white papers, solution briefs, and promotes trade shows for the Corporate Marketing team.

When he's not writing about cybersecurity, Paul can be found brushing his beard, performing improv comedy, and powerlifting in his backyard.

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Posts by this author

Cloud Security Threats: CrowdStrike Highlights Cloud-Conscious Adversaries

June 15, 2023

Cloud security is more important than ever, according to the CrowdStrike 2023 Cloud Risk Report, which reports a 95% increase in cloud exploitation and a 288% increase in cloud-capable adversaries.

2023 Verizon DBIR: Phishing for Financial Gain

June 14, 2023

Get takeaways and insights from the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR).

Global CSO Explains the Value of Cybersecurity

May 25, 2023

Get key takeaways from an ExtraHop webinar with global CSO and Digital Business Executive Roland Cloutier on the value and impact of cybersecurity investments.

Mandiant M-Trends 2023: Attackers Won’t Back Down

May 15, 2023

Get a quick rundown of the 2023 Mandiant M-Trends Special Report, which highlights top threats and vulnerabilities affecting global cybersecurity.

Impressions from RSA Conference 2023

May 4, 2023

Catch up on highlights from RSA Conference and trends ExtraHop observed from the expo floor.

Introducing ExtraHop IDS: Next-Gen Intrusion Detection

April 25, 2023

ExtraHop IDS integrates with the Reveal(x) NDR platform to offer customers a simplified approach to intrusion detection that supports expanded CVE coverage.

ExtraHop September TL;DR

September 29, 2022

For September TL;DR, we're talking about how NDR and EDR stop breaches faster, a cyber risk and readiness report, reducing cloud security friction in the c-suite, and more.

ExtraHop August TL;DR

September 1, 2022

This August's TL;DR, we're discussing integrated attack response with CrowdStrike and ExtraHop, scalable PCAP to modernize network visibility, defending against ransomware attacks, and more.

ExtraHop July TL;DR

July 29, 2022

For July's TL;DR, learn how to empower XDR with CrowdStrike and ExtraHop, the top threats to cloud computing, eradicate active software supply chain attacks, and more.

ExtraHop June TL;DR

June 30, 2022

This June, learn how CrowdStrike and ExtraHop make XDR a reality, get Reveal(x) 360 for AWS, understand CISA's guidance for Shields Up, DoS attacks, and more.

Meet the ExtraHop Team Members Honored as 2022 CRN Women of the Channel

June 13, 2022

ExtraHop is honored to have so many talented and inspirational women who share their drive and passion. Learn more about their achievements in the channel.

ExtraHop May TL;DR

May 27, 2022

This May, TL;DR is talking about the future of cyberwarfare, how to respond to the 2022 cyberthreat landscape, closing the network visibility gap, April Patch Tuesday, and more.

ExtraHop April TL;DR

April 29, 2022

This April, get an ExtraHop Shields Up assessment, cloud threat defense for AWS, detect and stop the Spring4Shell exploit, a Wakefield report on cyber confidence, and more.

ExtraHop March 2022 TL;DR

March 31, 2022

This March, learn about CISA's Shields Up, advanced threat detection for cloud, gain insight into two complementary MITRE frameworks, C2 beaconing, and more.

ExtraHop February 2022 TL;DR

February 28, 2022

This February, we introduce ExtraHop CEO Patrick Dennis, a 2021 ransomware retrospective, the near extinction of Maersk, a SOC survey, and more.

ExtraHop January 2022 TL;DR

January 28, 2022

This January TL;DR blog includes a KuppingerCole report, a SANS 2021 SOC survey, a ransomware special report, cryptomining malware, and much more.

ExtraHop December TL;DR

December 17, 2021

For December's TL;DR, we're talking about the Log4j exploit, SolarWinds SUNBURST attack one year later, cloud monitoring, decrypting traffic, and more.

ExtraHop November TL;DR

November 19, 2021

This November, TL;DR is showcasing breakthrough decryption for Microsoft environments, defending containerized environments, supply chain compromise, and more.

ExtraHop October TL;DR

October 22, 2021

This October, learn how to secure Microsoft 365 with Reveal(x) 360, accelerate zero trust adoption, SANS 2021 top threats, ransomware, and more.

ExtraHop September TL;DR

September 24, 2021

In the first edition of TL;DR, we're talking about supply chain attacks, Reveal(x) for the education sector, how ExtraHop shut down a C2 beaconing attack, and more.

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