2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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Meridith Levinson

Director of Content Strategy and Influencer Marketing

About Meridith

Meridith Levinson is Director of Content Strategy and Influencer Marketing at ExtraHop. Prior to joining ExtraHop, she worked for Cybereason, Deloitte and RSA. She began her career as a business and technology journalist, writing and editing for CIO magazine and An award-winning writer, Meridith has interviewed Madeleine Albright, Jeff Bezos, and Kleiner Perkins’ Chairman John Doerr. She’s been covering cybersecurity since 2012.

Posts by this author

How Threat Actors Are Killing EDR (and What You Can Do About It)

June 25, 2024

As threat actors increasingly find ways to evade and disable EDR tools, network detection and response provides a critical next line of defense.

MITRE ATT&CK Framework: 5 Questions to Ask NDR Providers about their Coverage

March 27, 2024

Learn why you need to be wary of the claims certain network detection and response providers make about their coverage against the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

Renee Guttmann’s Wish: The Legacy of a Fortune 50 CISO

March 27, 2024

In this Q&A, Guttman reflects on her 30-year career in cybersecurity, why she had to learn federal sentencing guidelines for computer crimes early on, and much more.

The Criminalization of Cybersecurity

November 2, 2023

Do the SEC charges against former SolarWinds CISO Timothy Brown for the 2020 data breach signal a coming crackdown on CISOs and more indictments to come?

ExtraHoppers Reflect on the Passing of Kevin Mitnick, Hacking’s GOAT

July 24, 2023

ExtraHop employees share how Kevin Mitnick inspired and influenced their lives and careers and send their deepest condolences to Kevin’s family and friends.

Meet Mark Bowling, Chief Information Security and Risk Officer at ExtraHop

May 23, 2023

Mark Bowling, chief information security and risk officer at ExtraHop, discusses his career path, his most memorable FBI case, and his reporting relationship with chief legal officer Lauren Zajac.

CISO Perspectives on Proposed SEC Cybersecurity Rules

January 30, 2023

Learn about the SEC's proposed rules for cyber incident reporting and cyber risk governance, and how CISOs are shaping the emerging obligations.

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