2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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2024 Global Cyber
Confidence Index

The State of Cyber Risk Management
and Cybersecurity Budgets


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G2 Momentum Report for Network Detection and Response

July 1, 2024

Learn why ExtraHop’s RevealX platform was rated the Network Detection and Response momentum leader by G2.

Forrester®: The Total Economic Impact™ of ExtraHop RevealX

May 15, 2024

In a study commissioned by ExtraHop, Forrester evaluates the potential ROI a composite organization received by deploying the ExtraHop RevealX NDR platform.

CrowdStrike and ExtraHop Together

May 15, 2024

Find out why customers are choosing to integrate CrowdStrike EDR with ExtraHop NDR to strengthen their detection and response capabilities.

Forrester: The Modern Definition of NAV

July 9, 2024

Learn why NAV solutions are critical to zero trust and how they provide the context XDR needs to succeed.

The Forrester Wave™

May 15, 2024

View The Forrester Wave™: Network Analysis and Visibility, Q2 2023, and see why ExtraHop was named a Leader.

Reduce Time, Effort, and Cost of PCAP

May 15, 2024

Learn about the importance of scalable packet capture (PCAP), the challenges of retaining data, and how to speed up analysis and threat-hunting with RevealX.

The ROI of RevealX Against Ransomware

July 18, 2024

RevealX saves an estimated $1.5B annually in risk mitigation and cost avoidance across the ExtraHop customer base.

The Next Evolution of IDS

May 20, 2024

ExtraHop RevealX with the new IDS sensor provides high-fidelity network signatures to expand detection coverage of known threats.

Stop Ransomware in Its Midgame Before it Springs its Extortion Trap

May 20, 2024

Ransomware crews have expanded their playbooks to use your IT infrastructure to amplify damage and improve their payment calculus. As a result, ransomware moves through the territory of IT before …

Retire That Noisy ‘90s IDS, Upgrade to the Next Generation of IDS

May 20, 2024

Learn about the shortcomings of legacy IDS tools and how the next generation of IDS is enhanced with complete network visibility from ExtraHop RevealX NDR.

Eradicate Intruders and Quickly Recover Your Operations

May 20, 2024

Learn about the challenges facing incident responders, how network forensics can take up valuable time, and how RevealX 360 offers complete visibility across hybrid environments.

ExtraHop's IDS Network

May 20, 2024

The new IDS sensor for ExtraHop RevealX provides high-fidelity network signatures to expand detection coverage.

ExtraHop RevealX 360 for AWS

May 17, 2024

Discover how ExtraHop extends visibility, expands coverage, and enhances threat defense in AWS without introducing friction.

ExtraHop RevealX and Amazon Security Lake

May 17, 2024

Learn about how integrating RevealX 360 with Amazon Security Lake simplifies storage, retrieval, and consumption of security data from across on-premises, hybrid, and multicloud environments.

Mitigate Risk and Defend Against Sophisticated Attacks

May 17, 2024

Learn about the challenges financial institutions face as they modernize complex business systems, how sophisticated attackers infiltrate the network, and get practical advice on monitoring and …

Cyber Confidence Index 2022

May 17, 2024

Get the details on a survey of IT decision makers from four countries, the confidence in overall security, and the startling frequency of ransomware attacks.

Mitigate Risk of Internet-Exposed Protocols on the Network

May 17, 2024

Learn how security and IT leaders can assess their risk posture and attack surface visibility relative to other organizations.

AI in Federal Government

May 17, 2024

Federal agencies are required to inventory and monitor the AI tools they use. Learn how RevealX can help agencies do both.

Detecting Data Leaks from Employee Use of ChatGPT with RevealX

May 16, 2024

As individuals look to tap the enormous productivity benefits that AIaaS promises, organizations have learned some hard lessons about how proprietary info is shared via these public tools.

KuppingerCole: The Authority in Product and Market Innovation

May 16, 2024

Learn about the value of network detection and response (NDR), how each vendor tackles advanced threats, and their innovative approaches to cybersecurity.

IDC: Protect your Organization Against Adversaries from within your Network

May 16, 2024

Learn how the pandemic impacted organizations and forced a growing attack surface, and how the need for complete network visibility to expose advanced threats has increased.

See Why ExtraHop was Recognized as a Customers’ Choice Vendor

May 16, 2024

Learn about the Gartner Peer Insights Voice of the Customer and why ExtraHop was recognized as a Customer’s Choice in the NDR category.

A very powerful and great solution for threat detection and network monitoring.