2024 Global Cyber Confidence Index

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To Achieve the Promise of XDR, Look Beyond the Endpoint

Survey of IT Decisions Makers Shows That Deriving Value from XDR Depends on Three Key Factors

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To Achieve the Promise of XDR, Look Beyond the Endpoint

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Survey Finds Only 47% of IT Decision Makers Could Identify Accurate Definition of XDR
In a study commissioned by ExtraHop, Wakefield Research surveyed a large group of IT decision makers to to understand their current and future plans to implement an XDR strategy, their perceptions of the value of XDR and required capabilities, and obstacles to adoption.
Download a complimentary copy of the Wakefield report:
  • See if your organization is ahead or behind the curve on XDR adoption.
  • Understand what it takes to derive full value from XDR–and what's holding some organizations back.
  • Learn what components and data sources are crucial for XDR success.